Reinventing travel during lockdown

Covid19 lockdown is forcing people in the travel industry to think differently.

A couple of months ago no one could have imagined  the current Covid19 lockdown on an international scale. Nor could we imagine how tourism was going to be affected. Covid19 lockdown is forcing people in the travel industry to think differently. The uncertain future for international travel is forcing people to reinvent travel. Thinking outside the international travel box is now an imperative.

One thing from the outset of lockdown was clear,  we needed to keep our destination and our business in the forefront of travellers’ minds. But as lockdown drew on, looking at ways of making some revenue also became paramount. And for this we needed to think differently, we needed to think outside the international travel box.

Covid19 lockdown is forcing people in the travel industry to think differently.

Covid19 lockdown is forcing people in the travel industry to think differently.

Experiencing the Moroccan way of life is our DNA at Palais Amani so we looked at how we can continue sharing authentic experiences with international travellers from the safety of their homes.  After a bit of research into unfamiliar online broadcasting our hands-on online cooking workshops were born!! Over 30 people signed up for the first class, from the States, Saudi Arabia, the UK, France, Germany, even one keen enthusiast from Japan. In the end we were 18 for the first online class, all there, aprons on, ingredients ready and we cooked together.

 How do they work?

So how does an online class work?  It is really simple. Once you sign up, we send you the recipes with a list of ingredients and equipment that you will need for the class. We also send out a unique zoom meeting id and password so you can connect on the day. All you have to do is to sign up, buy the ingredients and show up to be able to lift the lid on some of the secrets of making delicious Moroccan dishes.

Meet other enthusiastic Foodie Travellers.

Covid19 lockdown is forcing people in the travel industry to think differently. Reaction to this new way of travel has been extremely rewarding. The online classes are much more than an hour of cooking, it is a feast for the eyes but uncannily social too. For an hour you not only visit a corner of the world that you may not have experienced before, but you also meet other enthusiastic foodie travellers and join them to learn about the dish, the culture and the traditions. For an hour you are no longer alone in your kitchen, but on a journey beyond the home with an international community, other travellers who are searching for ways of pushing the horizons.

The online classes will not replace levels of revenue before lockdown of course, but they are one step to bring people together and to what is central to our business. It’s a small step to reinventing travel and nourishing the love of discovery that is at the heart of our industry.

Join the next online cooking workshop and step beyond boundaries.

May 2020 JMB