15 01, 2024

Tagoula: the main dish of Amazigh New Year

2024-01-16T09:31:58+01:00January 15th, 2024|

Tagoula: the main dish of Amazigh New Year Tagoulla, the main dish to celebrate the Amazigh New Year, holds significant cultural and culinary importance in the Amazigh community. This traditional dish not only represents a delicious meal but also embodies the spirit of celebration [...]

20 12, 2023

Melliferous flowers in Morocco

2023-12-20T17:31:21+01:00December 20th, 2023|

Melliferous flowers in Morocco Morocco is famous for its plant diversity. Here you’ll find all the main melliferous flowers. A melliferous flower is a plant which produces nectar or pollen that can be collected by insects and [...]

16 11, 2023

Olive Harvesting season in Morocco

2023-12-20T16:59:19+01:00November 16th, 2023|

Harvesting olives starts in November in Morocco. Experts say that very best quality is achieved when all the colours of the olive are on the tree.   Morocco is the fourth largest producer of olive oil in the world. And olive horticulture has a [...]

15 10, 2023

Harvesting season for dates 

2023-12-11T00:11:17+01:00October 15th, 2023|

Harvesting season for dates (a symbolic fruit in Moroccan & Islamic culture)  We all love to eat luscious plump dates. They are rich in fibre, vitamins and minerals, and keep for months without refrigeration. Dates are the fruit of a desert palm tree that [...]

14 09, 2023

Moroccan Semolina Porridge Story

2023-09-14T21:10:22+02:00September 14th, 2023|

Eid Al Mawlid Annabawi is an Islamic holiday that commemorates the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The religious celebration takes place on the 12th day of Rabi’ Al Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. So this year it [...]

1 11, 2021

Sephardic Jewish Food in Morocco

2021-10-31T20:54:45+01:00November 1st, 2021|

The North African Jewish cuisine of Morocco is influenced not only by Jewish traditions but also the Mediterranean and Arabic cultures that surround them.  During Spain's infamous Inquisition, Jews were forced to flee the country for more welcoming shores.  Many of these refugees landed [...]

28 06, 2021

Sellou The Traditional Moroccan Ramadan Recipe

2021-08-01T21:16:41+02:00June 28th, 2021|

Sellou, an unbaked Moroccan sweet made from toasted unhulled sesame seeds, fried almonds, and flour that has been browned in the oven. Sellou is traditionally served during Ramadan with Harira and after childbirth, when there's a greater need to restore energy and maintain good [...]

22 05, 2021

Moroccan Chicken Rfissa Trid with Chicken and Lentils

2021-05-23T22:20:48+02:00May 22nd, 2021|

Moroccan Chicken Rfissa: Moroccan Chicken Rfissa; A fabulous Moroccan dish of stewed chicken, lentils and onions served on a bed of shredded Msemen, trid pastry or bread. A fragrantly seasoned broth is poured over all. There are some Moroccan foods that are so good. [...]

20 04, 2021

HARIRA: Traditional Moroccan Soup

2021-04-28T01:05:52+02:00April 20th, 2021|

Harira: The Traditional Ramadan Moroccan Soup Harira is a traditional Moroccan soup of tomato, lentils, and chickpeas. Wonderfully fragrant with zesty seasoning, it often ranks high on lists of must-try Moroccan foods. It’s a popular offering in Moroccan homes and restaurants, and you can [...]

5 04, 2021

Moroccan Skhina Recipe

2021-04-05T19:16:51+02:00April 5th, 2021|

Moroccan Skhina Recipe: For Moroccan Jews, the end of the Passover holiday is not complete without a Mimouna feast; and at its centre is Skhina.  We can largely consider Skhina to be the Jewish version of Moroccan tajine. There’s one process to make it [...]