18 12, 2018

John Dory or Golden Yellow, an unlovely fish to love

2018-12-18T11:34:32+01:00December 18th, 2018|

John Dory or Golden Yellow, an unlovely fish to love. Presenting the John Dory Take a look at a John Dory and you wonder why anyone would want to eat it. Its flat bony body and lethal spike is not remotely appetising. And its [...]

23 11, 2018

Thanksgiving meets Eid Al Mawlid at Palais Amani

2019-01-21T16:45:27+01:00November 23rd, 2018|

Thanksgiving meets Eid Al Mawlid at Palais Amani This year, two calendars meet. Thanksgiving meets Eid Al Mawlid and this very rare event necessarily called for celebrations at the Palais Amani. On November 22nd, we celebrated the birth of the prophet and Thanksgiving for all our in-house guests [...]

31 08, 2018

Making “dough” out of food

2018-10-19T15:08:08+02:00August 31st, 2018|

The success of foodie experiences by Tracey Davies in Click. By Booking.com Eat like a local or making "dough" out of food Travellers experiences in recent years have "morphed" from ticking off the things to see, to wanting to experience destinations through the eyes of a [...]

24 08, 2018

The Last Couscous

2018-10-23T17:45:10+02:00August 24th, 2018|

Couscous, a traditional moroccan dish Every Friday like clockwork in households all over Morocco, carrots, courgettes, turnips are bought, cut and cooked in order of their density. Seasonal vegetable variations such as aubergines and peppers in the summer, rich red pumpkin in the autumn or [...]

12 06, 2018

Harira: Breaking the fast during Ramadan

2018-10-23T18:24:17+02:00June 12th, 2018|

Breaking the fast This year’s month of fasting is drawing to an end. Last night was the 27thnight of Ramadan, the sacred night, where prayers are the most fervent, and where children dress in their finest new clothes and go out after dark to [...]

29 05, 2018

Artichokes announcing the approach of summer

2018-05-29T16:08:30+02:00May 29th, 2018|

This week in the medina in Fez, the market stalls are piled high with artichokes, which is always a sign that summer is just round the corner as their abundance tends to precede a spate of much warmer weather in this part of North [...]